Developing the right marketing mix for your business is very important. You must incorporate the "Four P's" _product, price, place, and promotion. The wrong combination or incorrect usage of any of these elements could determine whether your business fails or succeeds. Although philanthropy is not mentioned in the four p's, it is always a good practice to include this into your business as a way to give back to the community that supports and patronizes you.
Price is generally associated with quality for most customers and you must know use a strategy that will be the most effective for the product or service that you are offering. Where your business is located (place) will also have an impact on your business so you much choose carefully. Promotion of your product or service is crucial and Dave Barger of Luna Web had this to say: "When developing your market mix, use social networking tools to enrich your client relationships." Today, social media is widely used. Social media is technology used by people to get the information needed from each other instead of from traditional institutions. Barger stated media usage produces transparency through barriers. It allows consumers to see an organization and give them insight into that business. Poplar social networks currently being used are Facebook, Four Square, and Twitter. These networks offer location based services that many companies today are taking advantage of through proximity marketing strategies. Other social tools available to market products and services are discussion boards, Wiki, and peer groups. Dave Barger offers more insight on social networking and you can view presentations and blogs at and Luna Web is also on Facebook. If you reside in the Memphis area and you are an entrepreneur looking for opportunities you can log into the Memphis social networking sites for entrepreneurs at .