Saturday, September 11, 2010

Entrepreneurship Opportunity Recognized

TLC In-Home Childcare Service - Yvette D. Shannon, CEO

Yvette Shannon is a single mother of one, who began her own in-home childcare service five years ago. As a single mother, Yvette often times participated in carpooling with several of her neighbors and friends to ensure their children would arrive and depart from school safely. After becoming partially disabled and unable to work, Ms. Shannon decided she would become a work at home mom. Yvette, knowing how stressful it was for a single mom to find a good day care with flexible hours and concern and safety first, began to ponder the idea. She recognized their was a great need in her neighborhood alone and since she really enjoyed working with children, began to do research on what it would take to offer these services from the comfort of her home. She met with the State Department and filled out the necessary paperwork and applications, and upon inspection of her home, she was open for business. She began presenting her neighbors and friends with the proposal about after school care and now she runs a small childcare service from her home. She mainly provides before and after school service, but also has a special needs child she tends to during the day. When asked what motivated her, her response was "being able to manage my time, having control over my working conditions and hours, and being my own boss. I also like the idea of being paid to do something I actually enjoy." I asked Ms. Shannon if she considered expanding her business to take on more clients and she replied, " I love working with the small group that I have at this time because I have better flexibility when it comes to time if I need to do other things." (Opportunity Cost) Small groups also allow me to have a more personal relationship with each child better serving their needs." Yvette Shannon is located in the East Memphis area, and offers affordable child care. For more information, send your inquiries to


  1. Wow, this is a great start! Thanks for leading the way here.

  2. I look forward to you adding some material from the other chapters to this blog.
